‘The Love List’ Blog Tour

The Love List blog tour and author interview!
Elena Murzello is joining us on Terraverum today to tell us a little more about her new book! Elena is not only an up-and-coming author but also a registered nurse, actress, writer, designer, and MBA grad! I’m sure you will find this interview very interesting and become curious about the intriguing book she has just published – The Love List. 

Where did you get the idea for this interesting book?

I made a list when I was younger for a potential mate and I then met my boyfriend at the time. The idea stems from that list.  It wasn’t until after our breakup that I did some self-reflection on the list idea. 

Was it a brainstorm moment, or slow in forming?

I had the list for over a decade – so it was slow to formulate. A list made now is definitely going to change over ten years – as people grow and develop. My list now is short and succinct. 

This is a very inspiring book – I feel you are trying to get a message across?

Thanks for the compliment. I worked on this book while completing grad school – so I’m very pleased with the end product. 

Do you have a favorite quote or story in this book?

There are so many! But I like the quote “My knight in shining armor turned out to be a loser in aluminum foil”. Alot of stories did not make it into this book unfortunately – I’ll have to save them for my next one. 

What made you want to write a book like this?

To be honest, I never thought I could write a book. But I wanted to share my story with a larger audience so I thought writing would be a great medium. I have received feedback that the book (as short as it is) would translate well as a script which is exciting. 

What would you like the readers to get out of this book?

I want it to be thought- provoking. We are all so busy and sometimes we need to self- reflect on what’s going on in our own lives. Something to think about. 

What kind of writing process do you have? 

Hahah. I don’t think i have a ‘process’.  I just wrote when I had the time (I was in school for my MBA) and when I was inspired. I wrote alot on my phone when I was on transit. You never know when you have bright ideas. 

Do you have any writer quirks or such?

Not really. But I found my writing was best when it was spontaneous and not when I set aside time to write. 

Do you enjoy listening to music or prefer the silence?

I would listen to classical sometimes. But mostly, straight up silence or the sounds of what was going on around me. I found it easier to write down exactly what I was thinking, rather than have it influenced by the mood of a song. 

What books or authors have been most inspiring to you?

I read alot of dating/relationship books when I was writing this book. I found the personal stories the most interesting but I’ll read just about anything, from Roald Dhal (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) to Paulo Coelho (The Alchemist).


What book do you think should be in every bookshelf?

A thesaurus! I have the worst vocabulary ever. Very helpful. 

Where is your book available?

My book is available online at Barnes and Noble, Chapters Indigo, Amazon, iUniverse, and Google Books. 

Are you currently working on another project?

Not yet. I do have a couple ideas for two more books. I’m thinking a kids book for sure. But currently, I’m trying to enjoy my first release.  



Elena Murzello is a multifaceted, multi-tasker, and certainly a “go-getter”. She is a registered nurse, actress, writer, traveler, design engineer and soon-to-be MBA grad. Elena was born in Wetaskiwin, Alberta and now is a city girl living in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Twitter: @ElenaMurzello

About Shemer

Author who loves reading, writing, horse riding, archery, books, dancing and many other things. Fulltime Soldier and part-time wildlife management student who loves to do adventurous things and explore the real world or books in her spare time.
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